Posts tagged #sustainable dairy farming

Ethical Farming Conference 2019: A World First

The Ethical Farming Conference was recently held and we are sharing this information because there is great demand for resources on the subject of ethical farming, its definitions and how that relates to animal welfare.

Nourishing Fats and the Vegan Opposition

This article discusses two topics: why some desire nutrient-dense animal food and vegans targeting food producers. Why is consumer choice so limited? Why is there conflict over food production methods?

Raw dairies keep farming and show resilience

Sustainable farming is under pressure, however farmers keep farming because they get immense satisfaction from being in harmony with nature. Customers love the nutrient-dense food they provide.

Farmer suicide and examples of Hope and Recovery

It is the social connection with the consumer on the farm that is missing. Here are some beautiful examples of the benevolence that ends farmer social isolation and economic disadvantage.

Soil ecology and nutrient-dense food

"Most of the diseases are nutritionally related to the fact that we don't have the trace elements in our bodies that we need for our immune systems to work. The reasons why we don't have the trace elements is because our soils are not functioning anymore..."