This about the time Tasmania had a raw milk industry, eventually regulated with quality controls in place. This was before the internet and before the days when the media presented a unified front and a set narrative on the matter of raw milk for human consumption.
Potential pitfalls in raw milk systems and Trojan Horses
Systems that fail to identify all of the commonly known potential risks are common. Whatever steps system architects take have far-reaching consequences. It is necessary for decisions and alterations to be weighed and evaluated with the most careful and wisest of judgements.
Dungeness Valley Creamery
This family allowed us a peek into their lives and how they converted from producing milk to the processor to raw milk. Eleven years on there are 70 animals on the farm producing 350 gallons of raw milk per day.
Fair Regulations and Production Standards for Raw Milk
Consumers compare dignified systems supporting family farmers overseas to the absurd behaviours seen here. Rules should focus on creating quality control, not on regulating the raw product out of viability.
Raw Milk producers Hook and Son visit Australia
RAW MILK producers Stephen and Phil Hook came to Australia for a few days for the screening of the documentary film, The Moo Man, as part of the Melbourne Food and Wine festival.