What does all regenerative farming and biological farming methods have in common? They all in some way contribute to growing and preserving more mycelial networks, like mycorrhizal fungi and other beneficial microbes, that increase nutrient-cycling between microbes and plants.
The Rise of Milk Substitutes: how can dairy producers respond?
At the recent Oxford Real Farming Conference dairy farmer Christine Page from Smiling Tree Farm, gave a great presentation as part of the The Rise of Milk Substitutes: how can dairy producers respond? session.
Regenerative Agriculture as one of the top censored news stories of 2018
According to Project Censored, Regenerative Agriculture as the "Next Stage" of Civilization is ranked 7th on a list of 25 of the top censored news stories of 2018.
Collective Karma: how caring can shape our future and health
These are the evolutionary tasks that humanity is currently facing. Agriculture is only one of many systems that are experiencing total transformation, from the inside out.
Nutrient-dense food in Australia
Australians are coming to the realisation that our health is in crisis, because agriculture is in crisis. Food is medicine.
Nourishing Fats and the Vegan Opposition
This article discusses two topics: why some desire nutrient-dense animal food and vegans targeting food producers. Why is consumer choice so limited? Why is there conflict over food production methods?
Soil ecology and nutrient-dense food
"Most of the diseases are nutritionally related to the fact that we don't have the trace elements in our bodies that we need for our immune systems to work. The reasons why we don't have the trace elements is because our soils are not functioning anymore..."
The Grass-fed Raw Milk Movement
Science now show 100% grass-fed, organic milk is superior. Butterfat from pasture-raised cows is a major source of healthy nutrients like Omega-3, CLA and fat soluble vitamins.