Raw Milk Symposium 2015 - Charlotte Smith


The Raw Milk Symposium was live-streamed in Nov 2015 and now available to watch for free.

Health officials, agriculture officials and Food Safety officials are invited and encouraged to watch the free videos, which are now available at http://www.fleetwoodonsite.com/wise/rawmilk

Building, Managing, Marketing & Sustaining a Raw Milk Micro-Dairy

My dynamic, engaging and emotional talk covers how and why my family started and maintains a successful raw milk dairy.  Learn how raw milk benefits the small farm.  Raw milk is a product that gets people to your farm each week so you can build from there offering other products for sale since you already have a captive audience who trusts you.  This is the foundation of a thriving and sustainable small farm.

This is a summary with time markers on Charlotte Smith's talk at the Raw Milk Symposium:


0:00  Introduction from Sally Fallon Morell

0:37  Charlotte’s love story

Helping her 2 children who had severe eczema and selling raw milk if you have 3 cows or fewer.

4:22  Healing eczema and increasing good health with raw milk

7:00  How did they become a dairy?

9:33  Food as Medicine

10:50  Raw Milk is REAL Milk

Being nutritionally depleted when on the modern diet and builing an immune system and health with raw milk.  Also the value of grass-fed cow's milk.

17:25  Raw Milk improves Asthma & Allergies, Autoimmune Disoders, Digestive Disorders and Osteoporosis etc

20:02  Be a Raw Milk Pro

Raw Milk is not regulated in Oregon and there was an ecoli scare at a farm near Charlotte.  How she became listed with the Raw Milk Institute and realised there were no practical resources for producing raw milk.  Now she’s in touch with people from all over the world including Australia and New Zealand.

23:55  “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but rather will interest his patients in the care of the human frame through lifestyle and diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Thomas Edison.

Charlotte speaks about being involved with and having these professionals as customers:  MD’s, surgeons, internists, paediatricians,  aneastegiologists, a large group of nurses, different midwife centres, hospital nutritionists, dentists.  These are the kind of informed, educated people that are now consuming raw milk.

25:36  Raw to Pasteurised

Why do we pasteurise?  And why do we drink raw milk when the government tells people it’s going to make you sick?

27:27  Prevailing Paradigm:  Germs cause illness

29:16  Understanding of disease Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard

30:44  Enzymes make life possible

34:27  Pasteurisation destroys

35:31  Studies show - Raw Milk protects kids from allergies & asthma

36:08  Preventative factors in raw milk

38:00  Kefir - The health benefits when raw milk is cultured with kefir

40:20  Safe Processing Techniques

Vaccinated cows free of disease

Monthly tests for milk quality

42:29  Champoeg Creamery test results and the Food Safety Plan

43:33  RawMilk Pro.com  

Resources for raw milk producers from all over the world.

44:33  3 Cow Marketing  

it is very expensive to have a raw milk dairy, this website is to help with marketing, price and sustainability of a raw milk business.

52:49  Q&A with audience

Any chance of increasing the legislation to be able to milk more than 3 cows in Oregon state?

56:20  Activism is important

57:00  What kind of capital investment are we looking at?

60:20  How much pasture do you need for 3 cows?

61:47  How do you deal with a raw dairy if you need to go away?

64:22  Starting out with cows and working on breeding your own herd

65:27  Life span of cows and high producing cows

Raw Milk Advocates Focus on Health Benefits and Safety Practices


As more Americans seek to make their lives greener, the demand for farm fresh, unprocessed and unpackaged foods is growing. Raw milk advocates discussed health benefits and safety practices at the International Raw Milk Symposium in Anaheim, California, on Monday, November 16.

Consumption of raw milk is increasing by 25 percent every year, according to the Weston A. Price Foundation, as consumers discover the superior taste and digestibility of the unprocessed product. Raw milk is becoming more available as a number of states liberalize laws regulating raw milk sales. Raw milk is available for retail sales in ten states, and at the farm through cow-share agreements or as pet food, in another thirty.


Champoeg Creamery website, Facebook Page and YouTube

3 Cow Marketing

Raw Milk Pro