Australia is experiencing a huge health crisis and the media is reporting on it.
Last week 7 News reported that 63% of Australian adults are now overweight or obese and it is 27% for children, see Catalyst: Gut Revolution for more.
Last night two more stories appeared on the 6pm news. It is about health conditions that can potentially benefit from or be reduced by raw milk for human consumption, if it was available. How many of these experts and investigators know
about the benefits of raw milk? Are they willing to publicly speak out about it? What have these people learnt and how will they act on it?
"It would be an awful tragedy if nine people died, and we learnt nothing."
Raw milk has shown to be a low risk food but can people overcome their fears and stand up to the status quo who may want certain truths to stay hidden from the public eye? See the two stories below:
Thunderstorm Asthma in Victoria
Family members want answers...
A moderate warning was issued yesterday for thunderstorm asthma in some regions of Victoria. It has now been established that 10 Victorians died in the freak, mass outbreak thunderstorm asthma event on 21 November 2016, not nine as originally thought. According to this article families want answers and for the truth to come out. An inquiry finally begins almost a year on.
The investigation will ask:
- What has been learnt about the management of people with hay fever and asthma?
- What warnings should be in place for future Thunderstorm Asthma events?
- What preparedness do ESTA, Ambulance Victoria and public hospitals for surges in demand?
Will it say anything about regulated raw milk as a potential preventative measure for asthmatics and hay fever sufferers? Will raw milk research get a mention? Have we learnt anything meaningful from this event? A coronial brief will be prepared for the coroner by the end of the month. Why is Australia still choosing to avoid the issue and stay in the dark when many other countries are using it for its therapeutic effect? See this example.
For more information, read the links at the bottom of this page or the following articles:
Thunderstorm Asthma? Is the Killer Storm avoidable?
Melbourne is food allergies capital of the world?
A response to a concerned doctor regarding Raw Milk consumption
World Osteoporosis Day Australia - Know your bones
Today, the 20th of October, is World Osteoporosis Day.
More than 160,000 Australians will break their bones this year, and some will die from simply taking a fall.
Yesterday Federal MPs and Senators attended a Roundtable discussion to review the impact of osteoporosis in Australia and investigate strategies for future prevention. They met with bone health experts, committed to tackling Australia's osteoporosis problem and were asked to wear "Know Your Bones" lapel pins.
According to this article 66% of the population aged over 50 is currently estimated to have poor bone health. This year alone, Australians are predicted to sustain up to 160,000 fractures due to poor bone health, with costs reaching more than $3.1 billion – 70% of which are directly related to fracture costs.
According to another article Osteoporosis currently affects more than 1.2 million Australians, with a further 6.3 million having low bone density. 75 per cent of affected Australians are women. In Australia a bone will be broken every 3. 3 minutes due to poor bone health. By 2022 there will be 6.2 million Australians aged 50 years or older with osteoporosis or poor bone health.
The total cost of osteoporosis, poor bone health and fractures over the decade from 2012 to 2022 is expected to be $33.6 billion.
According to a tweet by Hon. Ken Wyatt Minister for Aged Care and Indigenous Health, 3.7 million Australians over the age of 50 have poor bone health. That is a staggering number.
Experts say that poor bone health and preventable deaths from falls and fractures need to be addressed but this only leads to more money being thrown at research. After doing a
quick online search it becomes clear that millions of dollars have been and continue to be spent on research, yet it seems the bone health experts are no where near discovering the natural health benefits of unprocessed milk for Australians suffering from osteoporosis.
These are the grim realities of a country who avoid the issue of regulated raw milk due to political reasons and criminalise it for human consumption, unless it comes from your own cow. Raw milk was a traditional food in England long before the first European settlers arrived in Australia and it continued to be a valuable food until only a few decades ago. It was a traditional source for bone health. Politicians are good at beating around the bush. In other words they avoid getting to the point of an issue. In the mean time big pharma continue to sell and profit off bone protection medication, which don't seem to work if you look at the dire numbers and projections.
To learn why regulated raw milk is an excellent source of bio-available minerals with viable enzymes like phosphatase that enables the human body to build strong bones, read the article The Milk Myth.
We are living in a country that hides the truth from itself.
Image: Is ignorance still bliss?
Hosting osteoporosis Roundtable to tackle fracture risk - 3.7 million Australians 50+ have poor bone health. @osteoporosis_au #LoveYourBones
— Ken Wyatt MP (@KenWyattMP) October 18, 2017
Related Articles:
Thunderstorm Asthma articles:
Families of thunderstorm asthma want answers — as inquiry begins
Thunderstorm asthma moderate warning predicted in Victoria
More thunderstorm asthma victims named at inquiry, as relatives ask 'why'
Families of victims of Thunderstorm Asthma have spoken Video
Osteoporosis articles:
More than 160,000 Australians will break their bones this year Video
Australians Urged to ‘Love Your Bones’ on World Osteoporosis Day
World Osteoporosis Day - Know Your Bones campaign
Australia's poor bone health needs to be addressed, experts say