Get involved, support Certified Raw Milk access

Good news!  We've been getting positive feedback from some MP's due to the large number of them being contacted about legalising certified raw milk.  They are seeing the value of legalising because of Australia being so far behind the rest of the world.  Only two countries have a blanket ban on sales from raw cow's milk:  Australia and Canada.  And in both countries there are efforts to legalise access to raw milk.  Please keep up the good work and please let this be encouragement to keep going. They need to hear your story and won't bother changing their minds unless they see how much you want access to safe, low risk legal raw milk.

Certified Raw Milk is a niche market for the small scale farmer only and it has saved many family farms as overseas examples have shown. It's an opportunity for local economic growth and putting a halt to small family farms being run out of business.  Raw milk sales make small family farms viable.

Due to the existence of industrialised, large scale dairies and sometimes sloppy practises, a regulated industry or at least standards for production are necessary to ensure a quality, low risk product.  Authorities need to do the responsible thing and regulate the industry like it is done in England and New Zealand.



8 Easy ways to get involved

Click on the number of your choice for instructions on how to proceed:

raw milk legalisation australia


ARMM have no paid lobbyists to speak to the government on your behalf.  You, the public, are it.

Posted on February 14, 2016 and filed under Raw Milk, Food Freedom, Australian.